Bible Lesson on “MAN” comes from the
(Hymn # 232)Tim
RR Librarian
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P.S. Please feel free to share with CS
friends. They can be added to our
distribution list by just emailing a
request to me.
Members & Friends –
The Reading Room article for next week’s
Bible Lesson on “CHRIST JESUS” comes
to us from the September 1936 edition
of the Christian Science Journal and was
written by Graham Lytle. The title of the
article is “Leaving Our Nets”. We have
it available for you in the study room
(or via the link below).
You may also appreciate Francis Pray’s
article “Give place” which is from the
September 16, 1939 issue of the
Christian Science Sentinel. It’s also
waiting in the study room (or by using
the link below).
O Jesus, our dear Master
(Hymn # 221)
RR Librarian
P.S. Please feel free to share with CS
friends. They can be added to our
distribution list by just emailing a
request to me.
Members & Friends –
The Reading Room article for next week’s
Bible Lesson on “MIND” was written byAlbert F. Gilmore. It’s title is “Let” and isfrom the May 18, 1929 issue of theChristian Science Sentinel. We have it inthe study room for you (or by tappingthe link below).Those wanting to dig deeper mayvalue Robert E. Key’s article entitled“The Wife of Nabal”. It’s from theJuly 9, 1949 edition of the CSS. It alsoawaits you in the study room (or via thelink below).
Our God is Mind, the perfect Mind,
intelligence divine
(Hymn # 269)Tim
RR LibrarianP.S. Please feel free to share with CS
friends. They can be added to our
distribution list by just emailing a
request to me.
Members & Friends –
The Reading Room article for next week’s
Bible Lesson on “SOUL” comes to us
the link below).
He comes to bless thee on his wings
of healing
(Hymn # 202)
RR Librarian
P.S. Please feel free to share with CS
friends. They can be added to our
distribution list by just emailing a
request to me.
Members & Friends –
The Reading Room article for this week’s
Bible Lesson on “SPIRIT” was written byour beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy.It is from the August 3, 1899 issue of theChristian Science Sentinel and is entitled“Peace, be still!” You will find it in thestudy room (or via the link below).You may also enjoy Israel Pickens’ articlefrom the July 23, 1927 issue of the CSS.It’s title is “Long-Suffering, a ‘fruit ofthe Spirit’ “. Also available in the studyroom (or by tapping the link below).I am the Lord, there is none else
(Hymn # 499)Tim
RR LibrarianP.S. Please feel free to share with CS
friends. They can be added to our
distribution list by just emailing a
request to me.
Members & Friends –
The Reading Room article for this week’s
Dear Members & Friends –
The Reading Room article for this week’s Bible Lesson on “TRUTH” was written by Blanche H. Hogue. It’s title is “A Workman Approved” and first appeared in the August 1913 edition of the Christian Science Journal. You will find it in the study room (or via the link below).
Give me, O Lord, an understanding
P.S. Please feel free to share. If you have any CS friends you think may enjoy our weekly article efforts pass along their email address (hopefully after getting their permission) and I’m happy to add them to our distribution list.
Dear Members & Friends –
The Reading Room article for next week’s Bible Lesson on “SACRAMENT” was written by
(or via the link below).
Saw ye my Saviour?
(Hymn # 298)
RR Librarian
P.S. Please feel free to share. If you have any CS friends you think may enjoy our weekly article efforts pass along their email addresses (hopefully after getting their permission) and I’m happy to add them to our distribution list.
Dear Members & Friends –
The Reading Room article for next week’s Bible Lesson on “GOD” was written by Arthur Stewart.
It’s title is “Results of Obedience” and is from
the July 2, 1927 edition of the Christian Science Sentinel. We’ve got it waiting for you in the study room (or via the link below).
And you may also enjoy Irving Tomlinson’s article