Reading Room Article for Week of April 19, 2021

The Reading Room article for this week’s Bible Lesson on “DOCTRINE OF ATONEMENT” comes to us from Clara S. Streeter. Her article “Beholding The Lamb Of God” was first published in the December 2, 1933 edition of the Christian Science Sentinel. It’s waiting for you in our study room (or via the link below).

And, extra added insight this week is provided by Edith Prudden’s article “What God Hath Joined Together”.  It’s from the February 1932 issue of the Christian Science Journal. You’ll find it in the study room also (or by the link below).

🎵 So we find the true atonement, know in God the perfect friend  🎶🎵 (Hymn # 263)

RR Librarian

P.S. Please feel free to share. If you have any CS friends you think may enjoy our weekly article efforts pass along their email address (hopefully after getting their permission) and I’m happy to add them to our distribution list.

Behold the Lamb of God (section 1)

My sheep hear my voice (section 2)

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Reading Room Article for Week of April 12, 2021

The Reading Room article for this week’s Bible Lesson on “DOCTRINE OF ATONEMENT” comes to us from Clara S. Streeter. Her article “Beholding The Lamb Of God” was first published in the December 2, 1933 edition of the Christian Science Sentinel. It’s waiting for you in our study room (or via the link below).

And, extra added insight this week is provided by Edith Prudden’s article “What God Hath Joined Together”.  It’s from the February 1932 issue of the Christian Science Journal. You’ll find it in the study room also (or by the link below).

🎵 So we find the true atonement, know in God the perfect friend  🎶🎵 (Hymn # 263)

RR Librarian

P.S. Please feel free to share. If you have any CS friends you think may enjoy our weekly article efforts pass along their email address (hopefully after getting their permission) and I’m happy to add them to our distribution list.

Behold the Lamb of God (section 1)

My sheep hear my voice (section 2)

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Reading Room Article-Week of April 5, 2021

Members & Friends – the Reading Room article for this week’s Bible Lesson “ARE SIN, DISEASE, and DEATH REAL?” was written by H. Victoria Burness and appeared in the July 2, 1932 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel. It is titled “The Mirage Versus Knowledge”.  It’s conveniently waiting for you in our study room (or by tapping the link below).

Extra added perspective this week comes from Jan Keeler’s article “A 21st-Century Thank-You Note to Barnabas”.  It’s from the April 2017 edition of the Christian Science Journal and is also available in the study room (or via the link).
🎵 In dark and hidden places there shines the blessed light 🎶🎵 (Hymn # 2)
RR LibrarianP.S. Please feel free to share. If you have any CS friends you think may enjoy our weekly article efforts pass along their email address (hopefully after getting their permission) and I’m happy to add them to our distribution list.

Woman taken in adultery (Section 2)

Paul and Barnabas at Lystra (Section 5)

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Reading Room Article Week of March 29, 2021

Members & Friends – the Reading Room article for this wondrous Easter week is “The Stone Rolled Away”.  It was written by Frank S. Vernon and is from the April 11, 1936 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel. We’ve got it in the study room waiting for you (or by tapping on the link below).

The bonus article this week is titled “Resurrection and Healing Now”.  It was written by Nathan A. Talbot and appeared in the April 2001 Christian Science Journal. It’s also on the study room table

(or via the link below).

🎵 Let us sing of Easter gladness that rejoices every day 🎵🎶 (Hymn 171)

RR Librarian

The Stone Rolled Away

David defeats Goliath (Section 2)

The Stone Rolled Away

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Demystifying Spiritual Healing – Christian Science Lecture by Beth Packer, C.S. [Video]

Watch a replay of the excellent lecture given by Beth Backer, C.S.:

Demystifying Spiritual Healing

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Healing Ideas and Prayer for PTSD: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Healed [Videos]

Healing Ideas and Prayer for PTSD: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Healed

Healing Ideas and Prayer for PTSD: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Healed, from Biblical Times to Today

Part 1 of 3 (direct YouTube link:

Part 2 of 3 (direct YouTube link: BuU073hEEUY )

Part 3 of 3 (direct YouTube link: BuU073hEEUY )

This series presents a drug-free scriptural and spiritual approach to both preventing and healing symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder encountered in military service or in any of life’s challenges. These talks are given by Janet Y. Horton, Chaplain, (Colonel) Retired, CS.

As a U.S. Army chaplain from 1976-2004, Janet was the first woman assigned as a Division or Corps Chaplain and the first woman promoted to Colonel in the Army Chaplain Corps. She was at the Pentagon during the 9/11 attack, and subsequently advised the Department of Defense and other Inter-Agencies on Muslim issues and the terrorist mindset. Currently, Janet serves as the Christian Science endorser and trainer for The Mother Church for all military chaplains and trainees at Boston University School of Theology.

Audio-Only MP3 / podcast versions of the talks:

Part 1 of 3 (Download link for MP3 file – 29.9MB)

Part 2 of 3 (Download link for MP3 file – 27.1MB)

Part 3 of 3 (Download link for MP3 file – 28.5MB)


This series of talks was sponsored by First Church of Christ, Scientist, Ashland, Oregon. Feel free to share these with anyone you think would appreciate it.

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“Fear thou not for I am with thee” Brought Healing

As a new student of Christian Science and a young mother of a toddler and an
infant, I found myself riddled with fear following a sleepless night caring for our two girls with symptoms of flu or a cold.

Being new to the area, living five hours from family and not knowing any Christian Scientists in the small mountain community where we lived, I felt isolated, alone, and fearful.

I had phoned a Christian Science Practitioner for prayerful help…. A Christian
Science Practitioner is dedicated to providing healing prayer, available twenty-four hours a day and can be located in a listing in the churches’ monthly periodical: The Christian Science Journal.
The symptoms of fever were eliminated immediately, but the sound of the coughing in the night seemed to create a knee-jerk, fearful response in my thought.

The practitioner’s patient, loving assurance of God’s tender omnipotent care for
each of His children helped calm my thought. But within a short time, after each call, the sound of the congestion seemed to create a hypnotic fearful focus on the physical evidence. Then an interesting thing happened. As I reached for the phone to call the practitioner yet a third time that morning the thought came…“I wish Jesus were here”, followed immediately with the strong affirming thought… “He is”.

As I put the receiver back on its cradle without making the call, I felt the warm tender embrace of divine Love. The fear melted away. Of course, as I thought about what had taken place, I knew that Jesus, the man, was not present… but the Christ, the power of omnipotent, omnipresent God, good that Jesus was sent to demonstrate was present and active. The symptoms of congestion quickly dissipated and the girls were soon happy and free.

The prayerful support of the practitioner helped free my thought to be able to receive the angel thought needed..Psalms 91:11 “He shall give His angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways.”

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Church cleanup in April 2013

church cleanup1church cleanup

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Leg injury healed

I badly injured my leg in a fall while running down a hill. The difficulty was not medically diagnosed, but it was similar to that of other dancers I knew whose injuries had permanently prevented them from dancing. The Christian Science practitioner who was praying with me for healing suggested that a particular citation from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy would help. The sentence reads, “The divine Science of man is woven into one web of consistency without seam or rent” (p.242). I pondered that sentence in regard to my case for quite some time. Four months later, in the middle of the night, when I wasn’t thinking about my leg, all of the work and prayer during that period finally led to the inspiration that healed me. In a flash, I saw that I could never be torn away from God. I knew I was healed. When I rose in the morning, my ability to hop, skip, jump and dance proved my midnight insight to be true.

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Irritating skin condition healed

Once I had an irritating skin condition over most of my body. At the time, I was working on a project that was intended to benefit students from around the world. It required lots of work by many dedicated people. Working with some of these “mental giants,” I often found myself feeling inadequate. In praying about the specific task I’d been assigned, I turned repeatedly to one particular Bible verse in Psalms: “As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness.” I needed to wake up to the fact that I was (and am) God’s likeness. This lifted my thought to a more spiritual level. And after many days of looking, through prayer, into God’s “face”–not some person’s–for affirmation of worth and satisfaction, I realized that the skin condition was gone. I not only felt satisfied–I felt inspired. My appearance even improved. Friends I hadn’t seen for a while asked what had happened to me.

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