The Reading Room article for this week’s Bible Lesson on “DOCTRINE OF ATONEMENT” comes to us from Clara S. Streeter. Her article “Beholding The Lamb Of God” was first published in the December 2, 1933 edition of the Christian Science Sentinel. It’s waiting for you in our study room (or via the link below).
And, extra added insight this week is provided by Edith Prudden’s article “What God Hath Joined Together”. It’s from the February 1932 issue of the Christian Science Journal. You’ll find it in the study room also (or by the link below).
So we find the true atonement, know in God the perfect friend
(Hymn # 263)
RR Librarian
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Behold the Lamb of God (section 1)
My sheep hear my voice (section 2)