Weekly Article for August 9, 2021

Members & Friends –

The Reading Room article for next week’s
Bible Lesson on “SOUL” comes to us

from Louise Knight Wheatley Cook. It is
from the February 25, 1928 edition of the
Christian Science Sentinel and is titled
“Give ye them to eat”.  It’s waiting for you
in the study room (or via the link below).
You may also find “The Prayer of Jabez”
of interest. It was written by Reuben
Pogson and first appeared in the
February 25, 1905 issue of the CSS. Look
for it too in the study room (or by using

the link below).

🎵 He comes to bless thee on his wings
of healing 🎵🎶
(Hymn # 202)

RR Librarian

P.S. Please feel free to share with CS
friends. They can be added to our
distribution list by just emailing a
request to me.

“Give ye them to eat”

The Prayer of Jabez

Ruth gleaning in the field of Boaz (Section 3) by Harold Copping



The loaves and the fishes (Section 4) by Harold Copping


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