Reading Room Article Week of December 6

Members and Friends –
The Reading Room article for next week’s
MAN” was penned by Helen W. Bauman
and is from the October 21, 1961 issue of
the Christian Science Sentinel. It’s title is
“The Law of Restoration”.  It is waiting for
you in the study room (or by tapping the
link below).
And, you may also want to read the article
“Man’s Dwelling Place” by Charles Mays.
It first appeared in the February 20, 1960 edition of the CSS.  You will (surprise) find
it in the study room (or via the link below).
🎵 He gives His angels charge o’er
       thee 🎵🎶
(Hymn # 99)

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The Law of Restoration



91st Psalm (Responsive Reading) by unknown


Stretch forth thy hand (Section 4) by James Tissot

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Reading Room Article Week of November 29

Members and Friends –

The Reading Room article for next week’s
AND CREATOR” was written by Doris J.
Keller and is from the August 1950 issue
of the Christian Science Journal. The title
is “In The Press Behind”.  You are likely
to find it in the study room (or by tapping
the link below).
Also included this week is Violet Seymer’s
article “He Put Them All Out”.  It is from
the April 25, 1936 edition of the Christian
Science Sentinel. It’s in the study room
too (or via the link below).
🎵  The power that filled the garment’s
hem  🎵🎶
(Hymn # 96)Tim
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“He put them all out”


Who touched me?  (Section 4) by William Hole


Christ Jesus raises Jairus’ daughter (Section 4) by Harold Copping

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Reading Room Article Week of November 22

Members and Friends –
The Reading Room article for next week’s
Bible Lesson on “ANCIENT and MODERN
by A. Lincoln Rothblum for the February
1947 issue of the Christian Science
Journal.  The title is “To Foresee And
Foretell”.  It is available for you to read in
the study room (or by tapping the link
“Thou Art The Man” authored by
L. Emmett Sherred and appearing in the
April 24, 1920 edition of the Christian
Science Sentinel also offers valuable
insights concerning David’s rebuke from
the prophet Nathan. It too awaits your
review in the study room (or via the
link below).
🎵  Put on the whole armor of pure
consecration  🎵🎶
(Hymn # 292)Tim
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“Thou art the man”

Saul consults the witch at En-dor (Section 2) by Matthias Stom



Nathan and David (Section 4) by Jacob Backer

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Reading Room Article Week of November 15

Members and Friends –
The Reading Room article for next week’s
Bible Lesson on “SOUL and BODY” was
written by Richard P. Verral and is from
the February 23, 1929 edition of the
Christian Science Sentinel. It’s title is
“Binding ‘The Strong Man’ “.  You can
easily find it in the study room (or by
tapping the link below).
You may also enjoy some additional
perspective provided by Lena M. Hall
in her article “Needful Steps”.  It is from
the December 14, 1929 issue of the
CSS. Also awaiting you in the study
room (or via the link below).

🎵  And Soul and substance find,  🎵🎶
(Hymn # 267)

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Binding “the strong man”

Needful Steps

Jesus, disciples, multitude withdraw to the sea(Section 3) by William Hole



Jesus at the pool of Bethesda (Section 3) by William Hole

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Reading Room Article Week of November 8

Members and Friends –

The Reading Room article for next week’s
Bible Lesson “MORTALS and IMMORTALS”
is by Blanche H. Hogue and is titled

“The Tree And Its Fruit”.  It was written for
the May 7, 1904 Christian Science Sentinel.
It’s calling to you from our study room (or
is also accessible with the link below).
If you’re aiming to dig deeper the article
“Zacchaeus” by Myrtle S. Jackson may
also appeal to you. It’s from the
August 11, 1917 issue of the CSS. We’ve
got it in the study room too (or by tapping
the link below).
🎵And gladness spring on every tree🎵🎶
(Hymn # 384)Tim
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Nicodemus visits Jesus by night (Section 3) by Walter Rane


Zacchaeus waiting in the sycamore tree (Section 4) by Niels Larsen Stevns


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Reading Room Article Week of November 1

Members and Friends –
The Reading Room article for next week’s
Bible Lesson “ADAM and FALLEN MAN”
was written by Gordon V. Comer and first
appeared in the December 15, 1956 issue
of the Christian Science Sentinel. It’s title
is “Where Art Thou?”  We’ve got it in the
study room for you (or via the link below).
You may also find some nuggets in Ethel Whitcomb’s article from the January
11, 1930 edition of the CSS. It’s title is
“Press On! Press On!”  You can find it in
the study room (or by tapping the link

🎵   Arise, arise and shine   🎵🎶
(Hymn # 14)

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Press on! Press on!

Jesus raises the widow’s son at Nain (Section 6) by James Tissot


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Reading Room Article Week of October 25

Members & Friends –

The Reading Room article for next week’s
Bible Lesson on “EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT” was written by Mary H.

Cummins for the August 3, 1912 Christian
Science Sentinel.  The name of the
article is “Evil Reversed” and you will find
it waiting  for you in the study room
(or via the link below).
If you’re thinking of digging a bit deeper
you may also find some inspiration in
Nathan Talbot’s article from the July 28,
1980 CSS.  It is titled “What Miriam Can
Teach Us”. It’s also awaiting you in the
study room (or by tapping the link below).

🎵  In this pure eternal union We behold
the perfect man 🎵🎶
(Hymn # 370)

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request to me.

Satan and his angels expelled from heaven (Section 4) by Peter Paul Rubens


Saul on the road to Damascus (Section 5) by Nicolas Lepicie

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Reading Room Article Week of October 18

Members & Friends –

The Reading Room article for next week’s

is titled “In The Midst” and was authored
by Jean M. Cunningham. It first appeared
in the May 17, 1924 edition of the Christian
Science Sentinel. You will find it waiting for
you in the study room (or via the link below).
You may also find additional inspiration in
Harold E. Sutton’s article “On The Way to
Emmaus”.  It is from the November 8, 1941
issue of the CSS. It’s also on the study room table (or by tapping the link below).
🎵  She saw her Lord in life arise 🎵🎶
(Hymn # 381)Tim
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“In the midst”

On the Way to Emmaus

Mary at the sepulchre (Section 1) by Harold Copping



Breaking bread at Emmaus (Section 3) by Caravaggio


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Reading Room Article Week of October 11

Members & Friends –
The Reading Room article for next week’s
Bible Lesson on “DOCTRINE OF
ATONEMENT” was written by Elizabeth
Muller for the September 29, 1923 issue
of the Christian Science Sentinel. It is
titled “Who Shall Ascend?” You will find
it easily in the study room (or by tapping
the link below).
Those wishing to dig a bit deeper may
also enjoy “Neither Do I Condemn Thee”.
It was written by Frank A. Updegraff and
first appeared in the August 1935 edition
of the Christian Science Journal. It’s there

in the study room also (or via the link below).

🎵  For in Love is our at-one-ment  🎵🎶
(Hymn # 263)

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“Who shall ascend?”


Jesus and woman taken in adultery (Section 2) by Nicolas Poussin



Day of Pentecost (Section 5) by Jean II Restout


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Reading Room Article Week of October 4

Members & Friends –
The Reading Room article for next week’s
DEATH REAL” was written by James Wardle
in the January 7, 1928 edition of the
Christian Science Sentinel. It is titled
“Fidelity and Faith“.  You will find it in
the study room (or by simply using the
link below).
And, those wishing to dig deeper may
find inspiration in Kathryn P. Grounds’
article “Let Us Not Sleep”.  It is from the
March 1966 issue of the Christian Science
Journal. Also located in the study room
(or by tapping the link below).
🎵  Forgive, as ye would be forgiven;  🎵🎶
(Hymn # 163)Tim
RR Librarian

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Fidelity and Faith


Jesus heals woman bowed together 18 years(Section 3) by Harold Copping



Paul raises Eutychus to life (Section 5) by Arnold Houbraken


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