NIN HAO FRIENDS – the Christian Science Sentinel and/or Christian Science Journal articles for consideration with next week’s Lesson on “EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT”
1. “Prayer Toned With Christliness”
by Nathan A. Talbot
from the October 19, 1981 CSS
2. “Rejoice, Because Your Names Are
Written In Heaven”
by Harry R. Copeland
from the June 12, 1937 CSS

Are beneath, around, above 

(Hymn # 53)
“ The Lord bless thee and keep thee “
With love, Tim
(Feel free to share with CS friends. They
can be added to the distribution list by
just emailing a request to me.)
Christ Jesus sends forth the disciples (Section 5) (Walter Rane)
Parable of the Publican and the Pharisee (Section 6) (James Tissot)