The Reading Room article for next week’s
was written by Joseph G. Alden for the
June 24, 1916 issue of the Christian Science
Sentinel. It is titled “The Divine Will” and
we’ve got it waiting for your review in the
study room (or via the link below).
And, an accompanying treat written by
Annie M. Knott will also be awaiting you.
The title of her article is “That Which Was
Lost”. It is from the July 31, 1915 edition of
the CSS (also by link).
O, call us, faithful Shepherd,
And bring us safely home
(Hymn # 245)
Cheers, Tim
CSRR / FCCS / Ashland, OR
(Feel free to share with CS friends. They
can be added to our distribution list by
just emailing a request to me.)
Christ Jesus heals leper (Section 3) by Harold Copping
The Lost Sheep (Section 4) by Alford U. Soord