Dear Members & Friends –
The Reading Room article for next week’s Bible Lesson on “GOD” was written by Arthur Stewart.
It’s title is “Results of Obedience” and is from
the July 2, 1927 edition of the Christian Science Sentinel. We’ve got it waiting for you in the study room (or via the link below).
And you may also enjoy Irving Tomlinson’s article
“The Living Way of Life”. It first appeared in the
July 23, 1910 issue of the CSS. Also waiting for
you in the study room (or by tapping the link
shalt be
(Hymn # 117)Tim
RR LibrarianP.S. Please feel free to share. If you have any CS friends you think may enjoy our weekly article efforts pass along their email address (hopefully after getting their permission) and I’m happy to add them to our distribution list.
Results of Obedience
The one leper who returned to give thanks (Section 3) by William B. Hole
Jesus raises the son of the widow at Nain (Section 4) by Anton R. Leinweber