Reading Room Article Week of May 10

The Reading Room article for next week’s Bible Lesson “MORTALS AND IMMORTALS” was written by Mary I. Mesechre and is from the January 6, 1917 edition of the Christian Science Sentinel. It’s titled “The Child in the Midst”.  It’s waiting for you in the study room (or by tapping the link below).
For more perspective you may also want to read 
“The Blessing Of Peniel”.  It was authored by 
Kathleen M. Erskine and is from the September 1932 issue of the Christian Science Journal. It’s 
also in the study room for you (or via the link below).
🎵  When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie, My grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply; 🎶🎵
(Hymn # 123)Tim
RR LibrarianP.S. Please feel free to share. If you have any CS friends you think may enjoy our weekly article efforts pass along their email address (hopefully after getting their permission) and I’m happy to add them to our distribution list.


Jacob wrestles angel at Peniel (Resp Reading)


Christ Jesus and child in the midst (Section 5)

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Learn to Pray & Heal: A Spiritual Adventure! – Christian Science Lecture by Nate Fredrick, CS [Video]

Learn to Pray & Heal: A Spiritual Adventure! 

Talk originally given on Sunday, May 9, 2021

Does prayer have a place in the modern world? This one-hour talk will explore how practical it is in meeting challenges of every nature such as health, employment, housing, and relationships. Discover how the power of divine Love brings freedom and hope to your life. Nate Fredrick shares his experiences in overcoming feelings of loss, grief, and depression based on Christian laws that are as present today as they were two thousand years ago.

If you have questions like this, and if you are wondering about these issues in your life, you don’t want to miss this webinar.

For more information about Christian Science or our church, click here!

Nate Frederick

About the Lecturer

Our speaker, Nate Frederick, is a Christian Science practitioner from Boston, MA. Nate loves traveling and sharing insights into the universal power of God, and how this power can bring about good in our individual lives.

As a former media producer, Nate produced the award-winning “Daily Lift” podcast for The First Church of Christ, Scientist, the headquarters of the Christian Science church. Nate loves music, being out in nature, and baking cakes for his friends. But he would say that his greatest passion is to help people through prayer.

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Reading Room Article Week of May 3, 2021

The Reading Room article for this coming week’s Bible Lesson on “ADAM AND FALLEN MAN” was written by Zoe S. Loveland and published in the February 1889 issue of the Christian Science Journal. It is titled “The Serpent And His Temptation, Or The Power Of Suggestion”.  It’s waiting for you in the study room (or by tapping 
on the link below).
And, for those who may want to dig a little deeper, take a look at “The Tabernacle In The Wilderness”. 
It is from the July 1928 issue of the CSJ and written by Kate E. Andreae. You will find it in the study room also (or via the link below).
🎵  What is thy birthright, man, Child of the
perfect One  🎶🎵
(Hymn # 382)Tim
RR Librarian

P.S. Please feel free to share. If you have any CS friends you think may enjoy our weekly article efforts pass along their email address (hopefully after getting their permission) and I’m happy to add them to our distribution list.


Baptism of Jesus (Section 2)

Wilderness temptation of Jesus (Section 2)

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Reading Room Article Week of April 26, 2021

The Reading Room article for next week’s Bible Lesson on “EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT” was written by Anna Friendlich and entitled
“The Awakening Of Jonah”.  It first appeared in
the January 1925 issue of the Christian Science Journal. It’s awaiting your visit to our study room
(or by selecting the link below).
More perspective also comes our way courtesy of Hazel L. Zimmerman and her article captioned
“Simon. I Have Somewhat To Say Unto Thee”.  It is from the June 1930 edition of the CSJ and also awaits you in the study room (or by tapping the link below).
🎵  Everlasting arms of Love are beneath, around, above  🎶🎵
(Hymn # 53)Tim
RR LibrarianP.S. Please feel free to share. If you have any CS friends you think may enjoy our weekly article efforts pass along their email address (hopefully after getting their permission) and I’m happy to add them to our distribution list.


Jonah and the Whale (Sections 2 & 3)


Jesus and Simon the Pharisee (Section 5)

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Reading Room Article for Week of April 19, 2021

The Reading Room article for this week’s Bible Lesson on “DOCTRINE OF ATONEMENT” comes to us from Clara S. Streeter. Her article “Beholding The Lamb Of God” was first published in the December 2, 1933 edition of the Christian Science Sentinel. It’s waiting for you in our study room (or via the link below).

And, extra added insight this week is provided by Edith Prudden’s article “What God Hath Joined Together”.  It’s from the February 1932 issue of the Christian Science Journal. You’ll find it in the study room also (or by the link below).

🎵 So we find the true atonement, know in God the perfect friend  🎶🎵 (Hymn # 263)

RR Librarian

P.S. Please feel free to share. If you have any CS friends you think may enjoy our weekly article efforts pass along their email address (hopefully after getting their permission) and I’m happy to add them to our distribution list.

Behold the Lamb of God (section 1)

My sheep hear my voice (section 2)

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Reading Room Article for Week of April 12, 2021

The Reading Room article for this week’s Bible Lesson on “DOCTRINE OF ATONEMENT” comes to us from Clara S. Streeter. Her article “Beholding The Lamb Of God” was first published in the December 2, 1933 edition of the Christian Science Sentinel. It’s waiting for you in our study room (or via the link below).

And, extra added insight this week is provided by Edith Prudden’s article “What God Hath Joined Together”.  It’s from the February 1932 issue of the Christian Science Journal. You’ll find it in the study room also (or by the link below).

🎵 So we find the true atonement, know in God the perfect friend  🎶🎵 (Hymn # 263)

RR Librarian

P.S. Please feel free to share. If you have any CS friends you think may enjoy our weekly article efforts pass along their email address (hopefully after getting their permission) and I’m happy to add them to our distribution list.

Behold the Lamb of God (section 1)

My sheep hear my voice (section 2)

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Reading Room Article-Week of April 5, 2021

Members & Friends – the Reading Room article for this week’s Bible Lesson “ARE SIN, DISEASE, and DEATH REAL?” was written by H. Victoria Burness and appeared in the July 2, 1932 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel. It is titled “The Mirage Versus Knowledge”.  It’s conveniently waiting for you in our study room (or by tapping the link below).

Extra added perspective this week comes from Jan Keeler’s article “A 21st-Century Thank-You Note to Barnabas”.  It’s from the April 2017 edition of the Christian Science Journal and is also available in the study room (or via the link).
🎵 In dark and hidden places there shines the blessed light 🎶🎵 (Hymn # 2)
RR LibrarianP.S. Please feel free to share. If you have any CS friends you think may enjoy our weekly article efforts pass along their email address (hopefully after getting their permission) and I’m happy to add them to our distribution list.

Woman taken in adultery (Section 2)

Paul and Barnabas at Lystra (Section 5)

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Reading Room Article Week of March 29, 2021

Members & Friends – the Reading Room article for this wondrous Easter week is “The Stone Rolled Away”.  It was written by Frank S. Vernon and is from the April 11, 1936 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel. We’ve got it in the study room waiting for you (or by tapping on the link below).

The bonus article this week is titled “Resurrection and Healing Now”.  It was written by Nathan A. Talbot and appeared in the April 2001 Christian Science Journal. It’s also on the study room table

(or via the link below).

🎵 Let us sing of Easter gladness that rejoices every day 🎵🎶 (Hymn 171)

RR Librarian

The Stone Rolled Away

David defeats Goliath (Section 2)

The Stone Rolled Away

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Demystifying Spiritual Healing – Christian Science Lecture by Beth Packer, C.S. [Video]

Watch a replay of the excellent lecture given by Beth Backer, C.S.:

Demystifying Spiritual Healing

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Healing Ideas and Prayer for PTSD: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Healed [Videos]

Healing Ideas and Prayer for PTSD: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Healed

Healing Ideas and Prayer for PTSD: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Healed, from Biblical Times to Today

Part 1 of 3 (direct YouTube link:

Part 2 of 3 (direct YouTube link: BuU073hEEUY )

Part 3 of 3 (direct YouTube link: BuU073hEEUY )

This series presents a drug-free scriptural and spiritual approach to both preventing and healing symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder encountered in military service or in any of life’s challenges. These talks are given by Janet Y. Horton, Chaplain, (Colonel) Retired, CS.

As a U.S. Army chaplain from 1976-2004, Janet was the first woman assigned as a Division or Corps Chaplain and the first woman promoted to Colonel in the Army Chaplain Corps. She was at the Pentagon during the 9/11 attack, and subsequently advised the Department of Defense and other Inter-Agencies on Muslim issues and the terrorist mindset. Currently, Janet serves as the Christian Science endorser and trainer for The Mother Church for all military chaplains and trainees at Boston University School of Theology.

Audio-Only MP3 / podcast versions of the talks:

Part 1 of 3 (Download link for MP3 file – 29.9MB)

Part 2 of 3 (Download link for MP3 file – 27.1MB)

Part 3 of 3 (Download link for MP3 file – 28.5MB)


This series of talks was sponsored by First Church of Christ, Scientist, Ashland, Oregon. Feel free to share these with anyone you think would appreciate it.

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