Members & Friends –
Feeding the Multitudes
The Lord’s Prayer (throughout the Lesson) by Harold Copping
Christ Jesus feeds the multitude (Section 5) by Walter Rane
Members & Friends –
The Lord’s Prayer (throughout the Lesson) by Harold Copping
Christ Jesus feeds the multitude (Section 5) by Walter Rane
Members & Friends –
The Reading Room article for next week’sBible Lesson on “SPIRIT” was a contributionto the June 15, 1912 issue of the ChristianScience Sentinel by Irving C. Tomlinson.The article is titled “The Bow of Promise”.You’ll be able to find it in the usual locationat the study room (or via the link below).And, the companion article this week waswas authored by Ann S. Laughlin for theMay 30, 1983 edition of the CSS. It iscalled “With All Thine Heart?” (It too canbe accessed from the link below).’Twas Love whose finger traced aloud
A bow of promise on the cloud(Hymn # 30)Cheers, TimCSRR / FCCS / Ashland, OR(Feel free to share with CS friends. Theycan be added to our distribution list byjust emailing a request to me.)THE BOW OF PROMISE
“With all thine heart”?
Noah and the Ark (Section 2) by Frank Wesley
Philip baptizes the Eunuch (Section 5) by Rembrandt
Members & Friends –The Reading Room article for next week’sBible Lesson on “LOVE” first appeared inthe November 15, 1913 issue of the ChristianScience Sentinel and was written by LouiseKnight Wheatley. “Serving Continually” isthe title and it’s to be found in the usuallocation at the study room (or via the linkbelow).Also on hand this week is Myrtle S. Jackson’sarticle “Zacchaeus” from the August 11, 1917edition of the CSS. (And available by tappingthe link below).Fear not, I am with Thee
(Hymn # 123)Cheers, TimCSRR / FCCS / Ashland, OR(Feel free to share with CS friends. Theycan be added to our distribution list byjust emailing a request to me.)Serving Continually
Daniel in the lion’s den (Section 2) by Briton Rivière
Christ Jesus meets Zacchaeus (Section 3) by Bernardo Strozzi
Members & Friends –The Reading Room article for next week’sBible Lesson on “TRUTH” was written forthe December 10, 1932 issue of theChristian Science Sentinel by Louise KnightWheatley Cook. It’s title is “The Healing AtZarephath”. It’s waiting for your perusal atthe study room (or by tapping the link below).A powerful companion article is there also.It’s title is “The Meaning Of Worthiness” andwas authored by Mary C. Reynolds for theOctober 1942 edition of the Christian ScienceJournal. (Also available via the link).Rock of Ages, Truth divine
(Hymn # 293)Cheers, TimCSRR / FCCS / Ashland, OR(Feel free to share with CS friends. Theycan be added to our distribution list byjust emailing a request to me.)The Healing at Zarephath
Elijah raises the son of the Zarephath widow (Section 2) by Louis Hersent
The centurion implores Jesus to heal servant (Section 3) by Paolo Veronese
Members & Friends –The Reading Room article for next week’sBible Lesson on “LIFE” is a gift from authorLouise Knight Wheatley Cook which wasfirst printed in the February 1, 1941 editionof the Christian Science Sentinel. The titleof the article is “The Truth About Adversity”.It will be waiting for you in the study room(or can be found with the link below).And, for those looking for more inspiration,we’ll also have Lottie B. Dennis’ article fromthe August 13, 1960 CSS on hand as well(or by link). It’s title is “Thou Art LoosedFrom Thine Infirmity”.Like as a mother, God
comforteth His children(Hymn # 174)Cheers, TimCSRR / FCCS / Ashland, OR(Feel free to share with CS friends. Theycan be added to our distribution list byjust emailing a request to me.)The Truth about Adversity
“Thou art loosed from thine infirmity”
Jesus heals woman bowed together 18 years (Section 3) by Harold Copping
Jesus raises the daughter of Jairus (Section 4) by Edwin Long
Members & Friends –
Christ Jesus at the home of Martha & Mary (Section 3) by Harold Copping
Morning breakfast (Section 6) by Mike Moyers
Christ Jesus heals the 10 lepers (Sec 4) by Dan Burr
Christ Jesus and the young ruler (Sec 6) by Leslie Benson
Members & Friends –
The Reading Room article for next week’sBible Lesson on “CHRISTIAN SCIENCE” isfrom the May 24, 1952 edition of theChristian Science Sentinel. It was pennedby Peggy Scott and titled “He Hath SentMe”. You know where it can be found inthe study room (or tap the link below).Also on hand for additional research is thearticle “Skill In Comfort’s Art” written byHarold Molter for the July 2, 1955 issue ofthe CSS. It’s in the study room also (or viathe link below).The Comforter is with us
(Hymn # 601)Cheers, TimCSRR / FCCS / Ashland, OR
Members & Friends –The Reading Room article for next week’sBible Lesson “IS THE UNIVERSE, INCLUDINGMAN, EVOLVED BY ATOMIC FORCE?” is agift from Arno Preller which was publishedin the June 6, 2005 issue of the ChristianScience Sentinel. The title is “What HastThou In The House?” It’s awaiting yourreview in the study room (or by using thelink below).Also on hand this week is Essie E. Rogers’article “Where Is Your Faith?” It is from theFebruary 2, 1929 edition of the CSS.Available in the study room (or via the linkbelow).My hope I cannot measure,
My path in life is free(Hymn # 148)Cheers, TimCSRR / FCCS / Ashland, OR‘WHAT HAST THOU IN THE HOUSE?’
“Where is your faith?”
Christ Jesus calming the storm (Sec 3) by William Hole
Christ Jesus healing the leper (Sec 4) by Harold Copping
Members & Friends –The Reading Room article for next week’sBible Lesson on “GOD THE PRESERVER OF MAN” was penned for the January 30, 1943issue of the Christian Science Sentinel byEthel D. Hubbard. The name of the article is“Two Yokes”. You will find it in the regularspot at the study room (or by tapping thelink below).Those desiring to dig deeper may find theirsearching rewarded in Albert F. Gilmore’sarticle titled “By Prayer And Fasting” fromthe April 23, 1927 edition of the CSS. It’salso at the study room (or via the link below).Faint not nor fear, His arms are near
(Hymn # 59)Cheers, TimCSRR / FCCS / Ashland, ORTwo Yokes
By Prayer and Fasting
Christ Jesus feeding the multitude (Section 4) by James Seward
Christ Jesus healing the boy the disciples had failed to heal (Section 5) by Unknown