Reading Room Article Week of August 5, 2024

BUNA ZIUA FRIENDS 👋 –  the Christian Science Sentinel and/or Christian Science Journal articles for consideration with next week’s Lesson on “SPIRIT” are:
1.  “The Fruit Of The Spirit”
      by Margaret Morrison
      from the December 24, 1932 CSS
2.  “He Called Her To Him”
       by Helen H. Spangler
       from the July 1, 1950 CSS
    🎵 In thee, O Spirit, true and tender,
         I find my life as God’s own child  🎶
                       (Hymn # 154)
    “ The Lord bless thee and keep thee “
With love, Tim
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Paul receives call to go to Macedonia (Section 5) (Luigi Cochetti)


Paul preaching to Lydia of Thyatira (Section 5) (Harold Copping)

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