Reading Room Article Week of October 14, 2024

KONNICHIWA FRIENDS 👋 –  the Christian Science Sentinel and/or Christian Science Journal articles for consideration with next week’s Lesson on “DOCTRINE OF
1.  “Results Of Obedience”
      by Arthur T. Stewart
      from the July 2, 1927 CSS
2.  “Temptation Powerless”
       by Julia W. Michael
       from the December 14, 1918 CSS
     🎵  Eternal are thy mercies Lord;
          Eternal truth attends Thy word  🎶
                         (Hymn # 62)
    “ The Lord bless thee and keep thee “
With love, Tim
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just emailing a request to me.)

Get thee hence Satan (Section 3) (Carl Heinrich Bloch)


Christ Jesus heals 10 lepers (Section 4) (William B. Hole)

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