Reading Room Article for Week of July 4, 2022

Members & Friends –

The Reading Room article for next week’s
Bible Lesson on “SACRAMENT” was
written by Lucy H. Reynolds for the April
1945 edition of the Christian Science
Journal. “The Way Of Gethsemane” is the
title and it’s waiting for you in the usual
place at the study room (or by tapping the
link below).
Also available in the study room (or via the
link below) for anyone desiring to dig a bit deeper is the article “Come and Dine” authored by William B. Harrison which appeared in the January 31, 1925 issue of
the Christian Science Sentinel.
            🎵  Saw ye my Saviour?  🎶
                         (Hymn # 298)
Cheers, Tim
CSRR / FCCS / Ashland, OR
(Feel free to share with CS friends. They
can be added to our distribution list by
just emailing a request to me.)


“Come and dine”


Christ Jesus at the home of Martha & Mary (Section 3) by Harold Copping


Morning breakfast (Section 6) by Mike Moyers

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