The Reading Room article for next week’s
Bible Lesson on “ADAM AND FALLEN MAN”
was authored by Herbert E. Bonham for the
August 15, 1953 issue of the Christian
Science Sentinel. The title is “Awakening
From the Adam-Dream”. Yes, we’ll have it
in the study room for you (and via the link
There are also some good nuggets in the article “What Jesus Loved” written by
Ella H. Hay for the September 8, 1945
edition of the CSS. Available for you in the
study room (or by tapping the link below).
What is thy birthright, man,
(Hymn # 382)
Cheers, Tim
CSRR / FCCS / Ashland, OR
(Feel free to share with CS friends. They
can be added to our distribution list by
just emailing a request to me.)
Christ Jesus embraces little children (Sec 2) by Carl Bloch
Christ Jesus raises Jairus’ daughter (Sec 5) by Harold Copping