Members & Friends –
The Reading Room article for next week’s
Bible Lesson on “MATTER” is from the
April 1928 edition of the Christian Science
Journal. It’s title is “The Rock, Truth” and
was authored by Emma J. Hoskins. We’ve
placed it in the study room for you (or via
the link below).
And, for those wishing to dig a bit deeper,
we have also placed in the study room
Naomi Price’s article “Truth By Inversion”
which is from the October 29, 1955 issue
of the Christian Science Sentinel (or tap
the link below).
Hear His gentle Peace, be still
(Hymn # 76)
Cheers, Tim
CSRR / FCCS / Ashland, OR
(Feel free to share with CS friends. They
can be added to our distribution list by
just emailing a request to me.)
Daniel explains dream to Nebuchadnezzar (Section 3) by Mattia Preti
Jesus heals man with withered hand (Section 4) by James Tissot