Members & Friends –
The Reading Room article for next week’s
Bible Lesson “SUBSTANCE” was written by
Miriam Perrin and appeared in the July 1928
issue of the Christian Science Journal. The
title is “Reward Of Wholly Following God”.
It’s waiting for you in the regular spot at the
study room (or via the link below).
You will likely also find some nuggets in
“The Fiery Path To Freedom” which was
written by James Rome for the October
1906 CSJ. It’s in the study room (or by
tapping the link below).
when through fiery trials
(Hymn # 123)
CSRR / FCCS / Ashland, OR
(Feel free to share with CS friends. They
can be added to our distribution list by
just emailing a request to me.)
Jesus heals woman bowed together (Section 4) by Harold Copping
Centurion asks Jesus to heal servant (Section 5) by Harold Copping