Members & Friends –
The Reading Room article for next week’s
Bible Lesson on “EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT” was written by Mary H.
Cummins for the August 3, 1912 Christian
Science Sentinel. The name of the
article is “Evil Reversed” and you will find
it waiting for you in the study room
(or via the link below).
If you’re thinking of digging a bit deeper
you may also find some inspiration in
Nathan Talbot’s article from the July 28,
1980 CSS. It is titled “What Miriam Can
Teach Us”. It’s also awaiting you in the
study room (or by tapping the link below).
In this pure eternal union We behold
the perfect man
(Hymn # 370)
RR Librarian
P.S. Please feel free to share with CS
friends. They can be added to our
distribution list by just emailing a
request to me.
Satan and his angels expelled from heaven (Section 4) by Peter Paul Rubens
Saul on the road to Damascus (Section 5) by Nicolas Lepicie